Customer Segmentation vs. Market Segmentation

October 06, 2021

Customer Segmentation vs. Market Segmentation: A Comparison

Data analytics is all about making sense of the vast amount of information generated by businesses. One aspect of data analytics that has proven to be highly effective is segmentation. Segmentation involves dividing a larger market or customer base into smaller, more manageable groups based on specific attributes or characteristics.

Segmentation can take two primary forms: customer segmentation and market segmentation. While the two types of segmentation share many similarities, they are also different in fundamental ways.

Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation involves grouping customers together based on certain characteristics, such as age, gender, income level, or geographic location. This approach helps businesses understand their target audiences more intimately and create tailored marketing campaigns that appeal to their customers' specific needs, desires, and lifestyles.

For example, a clothing company might segment its customers by age group, creating unique lines of clothing for teenagers, young adults, and seniors. By doing so, the company can create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with that specific audience.

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation involves categorizing an entire market into smaller groups based on common characteristics. This approach helps businesses identify new market opportunities and develop specific strategies for reaching those markets.

For example, a company that sells luxury products might segment the market into high-end and low-end segments. The company could then focus its marketing efforts on catering to the high-end segment, which is more likely to be willing to spend more money on luxury items.

How to Choose Between the Two

The choice between customer segmentation and market segmentation largely depends on a business's goals and objectives. Customer segmentation is ideal for businesses that want to tailor their marketing campaigns toward specific customers, while market segmentation is more effective for uncovering untapped market opportunities. In some cases, a combination of the two approaches may be necessary.


Ultimately, customer segmentation and market segmentation are both effective ways for businesses to better understand their target audiences and create targeted marketing campaigns. By leveraging the power of data analytics, businesses can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions that drive success.


  • Kotler, Philip (2003). "Marketing Management". Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Lamb, Charles W.; Hair, Joseph F.; McDaniel, Carl (2012). "Marketing". Cengage Learning.
  • Jain, Subhash C. (1990). "Marketing Planning and Strategy". Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing.

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